Hi guys,
after moments of excitations, studying and traveling between my home city and Warsaw I finally found some time to spend it on my blog. You have to be very understandable for me, cause in one week I start my IB exams (greetings for all IB students) so I will be just too busy till 19th May. Btw, keep finger crossed for me, I really need to PASS those exams to continue my education and my studies which will begin in mid of august in.. Amsterdam :)))
As I see you are pretty shy to leave comments under my posts but its fine, I AM REALLY HAPPY to receive more and more emails from your side! and even more happy that more people will travel to Colombia ! Last week I received emails from a Polish woman who will travel there in mid July, then I got another email from an .. Indian woman who also will be there for a period of time and just now I am chatting with one girl who also loves Colombia as much as I do. guys, is it brillaint who you spread Colombia all over the world ?
Because of holidays, summer which are coming soon I decided to inspire you with some news about Colombia, my posts will be about music ( like this one) coffee, kitchen and more details which can also inspire you and make you wanting to visit Colombia.
As I mentioned before, I am looking forward LUFTHANSA promotions. It will show up by the end of July/beginning of August. So I can say and it is for sure that I will go to Colombia for 3 weeks in December. If ANYONE wants to go with me and is afraid of the journey and local hotels, please contact me and I will make my best to help you. I can offer you guys some attractions in Bogota, I can show you around and give some useful tips. soo if you are planning a trip to Colombia, please contact me via email ( nskotnicka@wp.pl )
now I would like to tell you smth about Colombian music and warm you up :)
as you probably now,or not, Colombia and all South America is very famous from REGGEATON. not everybody likes it or is used to it but it gets better when you get there :) from my experience, when I arrived to Colombia I really hated reggeaton, vallenato and merengue. Cause Europeans are more into electronic and pop or generally music which are on radio or in clubs. However in Colombia you will listen ONLY reggeaton or vallenato. I had handle it for first... 6 months? and then I fell in love. The only problem with reggeaton is that YOU HAVE TO MOVE YOUR HIPS AND ASS. there arent any other movements than that. Thats why I couldnt dance, I was used to jump, then I had to switched to super sexy movements, salsa steps. Believe me or not but it is the best way to loose some calories :))) after one night my hips hurted so badly. but its fun, believe me. it is really hard to explain. from the first sight reggeaton seems to be like "european disco dance". Lyrics in those songs are generally described love, sex, couple-problems and generally love story. Its really funny but its really fun. If you are for the first time in Bogota and you dont know where to go to meet Colombian culture you have to go to ANDRES DC. or ANDRES CARNE DE RES. there are 2 restaurants from the same owner, which represents fully a Colombian culture. there you can dance to reggeaton, salsa and vallenato. After midnight you will also dance some electronic music, cause now Colombians also get into it. What is more, there you can find hostesses, waitress who are dressed in Colombian style and they are get close to you, sing songs for you and spread some dust around your table. It is reaaaallly nice experience to be there. I spent there my 18th bday 2 years ago and I got some unforgettable moments. The restaurant in the center of Bogota ( in ZONA T - the area of pubs and clubs) has 3 floors, which start with HELL and finishes with HEAVEN. You can also notice MILLIONS of accesorizes, angels, devils, hearts and others very funny figures which are attached to the ceiling. IT IS AMAZING. ( photos are from google or from official page)
If you LOOVE meat, then you will be just in heaven. Notice also the glasses ! they made theirs own glasses from which everybody drinks. You can also buy some in the store which is located in the 0 floor.
After visiting many places, clubs, bars, locals in Colombia I can say that ANDRES DC is THE BEST, especially for tourists. In one local you can explore everything what Colombian is. You can feel the music, taste local food and have some shots of AGUARDIENTE

( aguardiente is a local alcohol, very different from vodka but it hits your head the same :) )
according to music, I would like to promote some TOP reggeaton songs, which are really popular in Colombia, you can dance them in each club and hear it on all streets.
enjoy :)
I hope you will enjoy some Colombian hits. You can find more on YT. Just click " reggeaton Colombiano" and just click any of those links.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend and for those who writes IB exams in few days GOOD LUCK !
xoxoxo la Poloca